Editor’s Notes

Greetings Dear Readers,

Thank you to our contributors this month and to all who have contributed their poetry this year. It's been a difficult year and somehow, we're managed to reach the end with the help of poems of autumn, ballet, misplaced longing and roses. Poetry, art, prose, film, dance, theatre, and music have been more necessary than ever this year: to inspire, to distract, to entertain and to articulate grief over lost loved ones, despair, and to imagine the possibilities of hope.

Thanks to our selection committee this month:

Ellen Chang-Richardson
Robert Martin Evans
Kemisha Newman
Jade Riordan
Helen Robertson
Marjorie Silverman
Carol A. Stephen

I wish you all a good holiday season and hope that the new year brings us all good news.

If you have comments, suggestions, questions and words of optimism to offer, please feel free to e-mail me at amanda@bywords.ca.

Amanda Earl
Managing Editor

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