Submission Guidelines


Bywords accepts previously unpublished poetry from emerging and established poets. We accept current and former residents, students and workers of Ottawa. We also publish poems by contributors to our predecessor, the Bywords Monthly Magazine. The deadline for submission is the 15th of each month for consideration for the subsequent issue.


Poems longer than 250 words and 45 lines will be rejected.


Please submit a maximum of 5 poems per month. If you submit more than 5, we will consider the first 5 for the upcoming issue, and the additional poems for subsequent issues. We reserve the right to publish any of the poems in either or the Bywords Quarterly Journal. Please inform us if you decide to publish any of the poems elsewhere.


We accept poetry via e-mail in Word, WordPerfect or HTML format. Please e-mail


Please include your name, telephone number, e-mail, home address and a brief biography with your submission. Please identify yourself as a current or former Ottawa resident, student or worker, or a previously published Bywords poet. You may include a link to your own website in your biography. We reserve the right to edit your biography.


E-mail submissions will receive acknowledgements of receipt.

If you don't have access to e-mail, you can send your poetry via snail mail to the following address:

P.O. Box 937
Station B
Ottawa, ON
K1P 5P9


Depending on the volume of poetry received, our goal is to inform you of our decision to include your poetry within 90 days of receipt of your poems. If you do not hear from us, please feel free to send an e-mail.


Poems published in the Bywords Quarterly Journal receive a nominal payment. Readers also receive payment.