CKCU FM: An Indian Morning Time and Place: Every Sunday at 10:00 am. celebrating and seeking the spirit of India thru sounds, stories, music & songs. Culture géniale Time and Place: Every Sunday at 1:00 pm. unique 94.5 fm La culture est la possibilité même de créer, de renouveler et de partager des valeurs. Culture géniale est une émission hebdomadaire animée par Jean-Paul Moreau qui explore le monde du cinéma, de la littérature, des arts vivants, et bien plus encore. The Ottawa Municipal Liaisons of NaNoWriMo Monthly Write-In Time and Place: Every Sunday at 1:00 pm. Ottawa Public Library, Main Branch Room B125 a monthly recurring write-in to help you keep up your writing habits during the months that are not November. Bring your pen, paper, laptop, ideas, write besides other writers and participate in challenges!
Renaissance Press Readings and Signings Joint Signing: Crushing It by Jen Desmarais and The Mystery of the Dancing Lights by Éric Desmarais 1-3pm