CKCU FM: An Indian Morning Time and Place: Every Sunday at 10:00 am. celebrating and seeking the spirit of India thru sounds, stories, music & songs. Culture géniale Time and Place: Every Sunday at 1:00 pm. unique 94.5 fm La culture est la possibilité même de créer, de renouveler et de partager des valeurs. Culture géniale est une émission hebdomadaire animée par Jean-Paul Moreau qui explore le monde du cinéma, de la littérature, des arts vivants, et bien plus encore. The Ottawa Municipal Liaisons of NaNoWriMo Monthly Write-In Time and Place: Every Sunday at 1:00 pm. Ottawa Public Library, Main Branch Room B125 a monthly recurring write-in to help you keep up your writing habits during the months that are not November. Bring your pen, paper, laptop, ideas, write besides other writers and participate in challenges!