
Beverly Cummings

Beverly Cummings was born in Ottawa and presently lives there. She studied English Literature at Carleton University. She has previously published her prose and poetry in Other Voices, Spout, The Algonquin Roundtable Review, The Skinny, Bywords, Trout, Ink, The Laurier Express, Voice of Recovery and The Carleton Arts Review, and most recently The Steel Chisel, Monday’s Poem, Dead Flowers: A Poetry Rag, Angel House Press National Poetry and Transition. She has been a frequent contributor to Open Minds Quarterly and The Voice. She has three times placed as an Honourable Mention in Open Minds Quarterly annual Brainstorming poetry contest. She has five self-published chapbooks and a group published chapbook. She has also published a trade book A GOOD DEATH. She was an active member of Moods Expressed a Canadian Mental Health Association Art Collective for a number of years. In the spring of 2014 she worked with Footprints’ Artist in Residence program with award winning poet mentor Sandra Ridley who helped to edit poems which have been published in a second trade book Keep it Terse. She is presently involved with the In the Wind Artists Collective and has published a new chapbook I take off my disguise .

Your Loss
published in October 2017
published in January 2016
The Quebec Side from the Bus
published in September 2012